Palabras que usamos en NAVIDAD


En este blog queremos mostrar algunas de las palabras que usamos en la temporada de Navidad. Queremos aprovechar para decirle a todos nuestros estudiantes, amigos, socios que tengan un excelente NAVIDAD. Un abrazo para cada uno de ellos.

Palabras Navideñas

    • Aguinaldo – Christmas bonus, Christmas box money
    • Arbol de Navidad – Christmas tree
    • Cena de Navidad – Christmas dinner
    • Corona Navideña – Christmas wreath
    • Día de Navidad – Christmas Day
    • Feliz Navidad –  Merry Christmas
    • Gordo Navideño – Christmas jackpot
    • Lotería Navideña – Christmas lotto
    • Nochebuena – Christmas Eve
    • Regalo de Navidad – Christmas present, gift
    • Villancicos – Christmas carol
    • Santa – Santa Claus

    • Portal de Navidad – Nativity secene
    • Estrella de Navidad – Christmas star
    • Guirnaldas – Garlands
    • Bolas de adorno – ball of adornment
    • Muñeco de nieve – Snowman
    • Nieve – Snow
    • Galletas de Navidad – Christmas cookies
    • Rompope – Eggnog
    • Campanas – Bells
    • Velas/Candelas – Candles
    • Adornos/Decoraciones – Decorations
    • Luces – Lights

    • Angels – Ángeles
    • Baby Jesus – El niño Jesús
    • Elf – Duende
    • Elves – Duendes. Cómo escribir palabras en plural en inglés.
    • Family – Familia
    • Frosty the Snowman – Frosty el hombre de nieve. Protagonista de una canción popular navideña.
    • Grinch – El Grinch. Personaje navideño creado por Dr. Seuss
    • Guest – Invitado
    • Jesus – Jesús
    • Joseph – José
    • Nutcracker – Cazcanueces
    • Rudolph – Rudolph el reno
    • Saint – Un santo
    • Santa’s helpers – Ayudantes de Santa Claus
    • Santa Claus – Santa Claus
    • Scrooge – Scrooge. Protagonista de la novela Cuento de Navidad de Charles Dickens.
    • Shepherds – Pastores
    • The Christmas Spirit – El Espíritu Navideño
    • Three Kings/Three Wise Men – Los Tres Reyes Magos
    • Virgin Mary – La Virgen María


Due to the effects of COVID-19


During the last ten years, our Spanish school has developed classes in our school, in the office or at our student’s home, and also online courses via Zoom.

Due to the effects of COVID-19, our school has decided to transfer 100% of our study programs to ONLINE CLASSES.

Our students continue with their teaching process just as they did before the crisis.

We want to say THANK YOU for allowing us to continue being part of this AMAZING LEARNING EXPERIENCE.

Christmas celebration party 2019


Our Christmas party is already a tradition. It is super beautiful to share great moments with our students. And the best thing about our party is that we also include all members of the family.

It is also a tradition that our students bring food that represents their country of origin. This allows us to enjoy different dishes of food from many countries.

We usually spend 10 to 12 hours celebrating, talking about all the year’s experiences, and many other things that strengthen the group.

We hope to see you at the upcoming holidays in 2020.

Merry Christmas and New Year, everyone.

List of countries where Spanish is an official language



The following is a list of sovereign states and dependent territories where Spanish is an official language, the national language, or the de facto official language.

Spanish as the official language or national language

Spanish is the majority language in 21 sovereign states and several dependent territories, totaling around 440 million people.

In these countries and territories, Spanish is the main or only language of communication of the vast majority of the population; official documents are written chiefly or solely in that language, and it is taught in schools and utilized as the primary medium of instruction as part of the official curriculum.

Commonly used language

Though not an official language at the national level, Spanish is regularly spoken by significant minority populations in each of the nations and territories noted below. In each, public services and information are widely available in Spanish, as are various forms of printed and broadcast media.

Spanish has been spoken in the United States for several centuries, particularly in the Southwest and Florida, which were all once part of New Spain. Spanish is the most studied foreign language in United States schools and is spoken as a native tongue by 41 million people, plus an additional 11 million fluent second-language speakers. It is also de facto official in the U.S. state of New Mexico along with English and is increasingly used alongside English nationwide in business and politics. With over 50 million native speakers and second-language speakers, the United States now has the second-largest Spanish-speaking population in the world after Mexico. In the United States, it is regulated by the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.

The Spanish language is not official but also holds a special status (in the education system, the media, and some official documents) in the Principality of Andorra and the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar, both of which share land borders with Spain. Spanish has no official recognition in the Central American nation of Belize, a Commonwealth realm where English is the official national language. However, the country shares land borders with Spanish-speaking Mexico and Guatemala and, per the 2010 Belizean census, Spanish is spoken by a sizable portion of the population; 30% claim Spanish as a mother tongue and about 50% of the population has a working knowledge of the language.

Spanish-based creole language

The Spanish-based creole language of Papiamento is the official language in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.  Chavacano is spoken in the Philippines, and Palenquero is spoken in Colombia; but neither is the official language in their respective countries. Judaeo-Spanish (better known as Ladino) is still spoken by some Sephardi Jews.

Optional language

Spanish was an official language of the Philippines from the beginning of the Hispanic period in 1565 and through independence until a constitutional change in 1973. However, President Ferdinand Marcos had Spanish redesigned as an official language under Presidential Decree No. 156, dated 15 March 1973 and Spanish remained official until 1987 when it was re-designated as a voluntary and optional auxiliary language.

On 8 August 2007, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo announced that the Philippine government asked help from the Spanish Government in her plan to reintroduce Spanish as a required subject in the Philippine school system.  By 2012, the language was a compulsory subject at only a very select number of secondary schools.  Despite government promotions of Spanish, less than 0.5% of the population are able to speak Spanish at least proficiently.

While Spanish is designated as an optional government language in the Philippines, its usage is very limited and not present in everyday life. In the country, Spanish is regulated by the Philippine Academy of the Spanish Language.

International organizations where Spanish is official

Referencia de Wikipedia